My story

There comes a moment when you understand everything about yourself.
We tried different roles: leader, mother, mentor, wife, business woman, daughter, beloved ...

Each of them was played magnificently, so that everyone believed.
But we forgot about the main thing - how real we really are. Now it's time to go back to yourself.

My name is Marina Weissenbeck and this is the background to the Von Kober clothing brand.

I could tell a traditional story about how I worked on sketches, selected fabrics and created the first samples.
But I want to tell you the main thing. When I was 60, I allowed myself to return to myself.
So in the world of a businesswoman, where everything was subordinated to an iron pragmatism, finally life and pure music appeared.
My favorite French chanson, Frank Sinatra, Diana Kroll, Rod Stewart, Sting ... I liked this music, but I had no idea that I could sing it ... And then came the realization of not the eternity of life, a keen feeling - when, if not now .. I start to sing ..
After some time, I again asked myself the question: what else did you want and did not do?
It was another step towards myself - the creation of a clothing line.
It is not pretentious, aristocratic calm in colors and details.
For sincere and real women who do not lie and do not manipulate, for whom the word "nobility" is one of the main ones.
I was always inspired by the 50s.
What women lived at that time ..! Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepborn, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida ..
I adore their femininity and grace, noble manners and elegance ..
And what mood reigned then ... - romance, love, beauty ..

For me, this time is an island of tranquility, where there are no obstacles, losses and grief, but there is femininity, love, the aroma of flowers and coffee ..)
This is how the Von Kober brand was born.
This brand is a symbiosis of my favorite style of the 50s and the worldview of a modern woman in dynamics and development.
She remains herself, she is calm, no matter what happens ..
In my clothes there is no pretentiousness, flashy colors and styles ...
A woman who knows everything about herself does not need to attract attention with unnecessary brightness.
Glad to see you in this new story of mine.
And I will be happy when you stop playing roles in these clothes - you will be yourself ..
With gratitude, Marina Weissenbeck

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